After being a journalist and ballistic expert for almost 40 years, after co-founding the Abu Dhabi based firearms factory and brand Caracal in 2004, after co-founding Arsenal Firearms in Brescia in 2010 and running amongst the largest success in the history of small arms, such as the legendary Double Barrel Pistol and the Strike One, Nicola Bandini with his son Lawrence and daughter Charlotte decided to move back to the land of the fathers, the Siena Province in Tuscany, to create a brand new asset for Italy, able to showcase and export the true excellence of firearms and ammunition manufacturing to the world, establishing Decima Divisione Balistica (XDB) in Poggibonsi, the industrial seat of a growing cluster, located in between Siena and Firenze.

After being a journalist and ballistic expert for almost 40 years, after co-founding the Abu Dhabi based firearms factory and brand Caracal in 2004, after co-founding Arsenal Firearms in Brescia in 2010 and running amongst the largest success in the history of small arms, such as the legendary Double Barrel Pistol and the Strike One, Nicola Bandini with his son Lawrence and daughter Charlotte decided to move back to the land of the fathers, the Siena Province in Tuscany, to create a brand new asset for Italy, able to showcase and export the true excellence of firearms and ammunition manufacturing to the world, establishing Decima Divisione Balistica (XDB) in Poggibonsi, the industrial seat of a growing cluster, located in between Siena and Firenze.
2018XDB Establishment
XDB was established towards the end of the calendar year, setting up the facility in Poggibonsi, sharing a dedicated and fully renovated and detached industrial warehouse with sister company PBM Italia Srl, the second largest Italian metallic centerfire ammunition components manufacturer, also founded and owned by the Bandini family2019 Beginning of business
While finishing and structuring the factory, XDB obtained the necessary Licenses to operate in the field of firearms, ramping up the ideal cross-in-house testing of firearms and ammunition with PBM Italia.2020The new Rapax Sport and Rapax Tactical
Patents for the brand new Rapax Sport and Rapax Tactical semiautomatic pistol were filed, while the first endurance testing and world launch of the new pistol was ready right when the global Pandemic struck. The Caracal new line of 2011-style was also defined and production set-up for the upcoming 5 models of the pistol, now manufactured under License of Caracal by XDB globally and exclusively distributed in Europe and the US by XDB.2021The birth of the IPSC team
While launching the brand new Rapax line of pistols became obviously impossible during the Pandemic and deriving lock-down, the Company decided to engage a previous Arsenal Firearms IPSC shooter, Davide Indizio, for the challenges of the 2021 Italian Championship: Davide took the Rapax Sport to the highest step of the podium, winning from the first match to the end of the year in the Production Optic category.2022Achievement of important goals
Gradually coming out of the Pandemic, XDB speedily continued to harvest Gold medals in the IPSC Italian Championship. Engaging additional shooters Christian Ghirelli with the Rapax Sport and Patrizia Perrucino with the newly born Caracal Lynx Open Class. Again the XDB Shooting Team proceeded to win important matches and, for the second year in a row, the Production Optic National Championship with Davide Indizio.2023Caracal line of Lynx
2023 started with exhibiting the entire Caracal line of Lynx high capacity pistols at Shot Show in Las Vegas and IDEX in Abu Dhabi, attracting huge attention and sales, comprehensive of the Special Edition pistols, dedicated to the commemorative landmarks history of the United Arab Emirates, its poetry and heritage (Caracal UAE 50, Caracal Spirit of the Emirates, Caracal Liwa Pistol). At the same time, the Rapax line was granted Patents on the most important global markets, proceeding to win again the Production Optic Italian 2023 Championship

Beginning of business

The birth of the IPSC team

Caracal line of Lynx

XDB Establishment

The new Rapax Sport and Rapax Tactical

Achievement of important goals


XDB Establishment
Beginning of business

The new Rapax Sport and Rapax Tactical
The birth of the IPSC team

Achievement of important goals
Caracal line of Lynx

- XDB S.r.l.
Strada Provinciale per
San Gimignano, 27
53036 Poggibonsi (SI)
- Decima DB
Strada Provinciale per San Gimignano, 27
3036 Poggibonsi (SI)
- XDB S.r.l.
Strada Provinciale per
San Gimignano, 27
53036 Poggibonsi (SI)
- XDB S.r.l.
Strada Provinciale per San Gimignano, 27
53036 Poggibonsi (SI)